Cold Spray is an emerging metal deposition technology that shows great promise for repair and additive manufacturing.

SAM XL is supporting the NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) funded project CSAR. This project will investigate the fatigue and damage tolerance properties of cold spray repairs. This will speed up the acceptance of this technology for aviation MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul).

The combination of inducing compressive residual stresses without significantly heating the substrate makes cold spray an interesting option for restoring the dimensions of damaged aerospace components, especially those that cannot be welded. This will allow the repair of parts that currently have to be scrapped, ensuring that we make better use of scarce raw materials.

SAM XL Materials & Process Engineer Bram Jongbloed joins the CSAR User Committee alongside Dycomet Europe/Titomic Europe, KLM Engineering and Maintenance, Nederlands Lucht- en Ruimtevaartcentrum and ADSE Consulting and Engineering. Together, the members of the User Committee will provide feedback to the research team and help to ensure that the results of the project are translated into real-world applications as quickly as possible. In addition to providing feedback and advice, SAM XL will host the Titomic D623 cold spray machine for sample production. This new technology fits very well into an automated and digital manufacturing environment, which is a great addition to our portfolio.

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration and advancing this valuable new technology together